ADAS Calibration Software Updates (August, 2021)

BMW (V50.80) 

1. New vehicle models supported up to July, 2021

2. Optimized the report function

BENZ (V49.62) 

1. Added support for the camera angle data stream of Mercedes-Benz GL 166 chassis multi-function camera module

2. Corrected the height of the front camera calibration target of Mercedes-Benz G463

3. Supplement Mercedes-Benz 221 chassis NSA calibration illustration

4. Optimized the target prompt distance mm/inch modification and metric and imperial input measurement values

RENAUL (V43.25) 

Optimized the information prompts for ADAS calibration targets 

TOYOTA (V50.00) 

1. Optimized the placement information, target height and distance of radar and blind spot monitoring targets

2. Optimized the information prompts for left and right rudder of blind spot radar calibration

SUZUKI (V38.15) 

1. Added the camera SCAM system and the picture prompts of the surround view ADM target

2. Optimized the target distance of different models of MFL and SCAM systems

3. Added the scanning function of SCAM system

4. Modified the MFL, FRCAMERA input value unit switching function