Connect Show 2015

Connect Show 2015

Connect Show 2015

Connect Show 2015

Connect Show 2015

The government and technology show presented by CONNECT is a large annual trade show organised in partnership with the Victorian Government, which runs together with ten business summits - including the Next Big Thing Summit and Slush Down Under- designed for business people to understand how the convergence of a number of technology megatrends are creating a perfect storm of disruption which will impact the way we live and do business in the future. 10000 visitors are expected to be at the show.


Launch displayed an operating golo with the ability to do remote diagnostics, tracking, e-fencing, hot spot and the ability to send live vehicle warning notifications from service scheduling to diagnostic fault data. Most attendees were very impressed with the functionality of the golo system and they were to looking at ways to interact the golo into the platform they currently use.